Terms and conditions
1) – PERSONAL DATA – The Renter undertakes not to provide false information about his/her personal details, age, address and the existence of the legal requirements for driving, expressly exempting Mondello Rent from any prejudicial consequences that may arise in the event of false
2) – DELIVERY AND RETURN – The motorcycle is entrusted to the Renter with a full tank of fuel and supplied with standard equipment, accessories (approved helmet, anti-theft chain with padlock, top box) and the circulation documents of which the Renter becomes custodian for all purposes. The vehicle is delivered in excellent condition of conservation and operation, without defects and the Renter, by signing the same, declares to have viewed it, to have verified its excellent conditions and to consider it suitable for use. The Renter undertakes to return the motorcycle to the same place of initial delivery and within the terms indicated (time and date)
in this contract with a full tank of fuel and the related equipment in the same conditions of delivery. Any changes, in terms of time and date of
return, must be agreed in advance with Mondello Rent. Objects left in the motorcycle returned to Mondello Rent are considered
abandoned, and Mondello Rent is not required to look after them and/or return them. It is considered appropriate to highlight that if the motorcycle is returned
without a full tank of fuel, a penalty of €5 will be applied. In the event of early return of the motorcycle with respect to the terms set out in this contract
(time/date), the Renter will not be entitled to any refund. If the motorcycle is returned one hour late after the return time established in this contract, the rate of an additional rental day will be applied.
3) – CONDITIONS OF USE – By renting the motorcycle, the Lessee declares that he has adequate ability and competence in driving
the vehicle, without placing any reservations. Driving the motorcycle that is the object of this contract is permitted only and exclusively to persons of minimum age
of 18 years and holders of a valid driving license for the authorization to drive the rented vehicle, not being subject to legal restrictions
or measures of the judicial or administrative authority. The motorcycle is entrusted to the Lessee with the assumption (considered essential between the parties)
that he uses it by driving it personally. The Lessee, therefore, assumes all risks or responsibilities in the event of entrusting the
driving of the vehicle to third parties and also for the other effects of art.116 paragraph XII of the Highway Code relating to entrusting it to a person without a
driving license. The Lessee acknowledges that he does not hold any real rights on the rented vehicle and on the accessories supplied and, therefore, cannot
dispose of them in any way. In particular, sub-renting the motorcycle to third parties in any form is strictly prohibited. Furthermore, the Lessee may not
under any circumstances use or allow the motorcycle to be used: a) for the transport of people and/or things for commercial purposes; b) to push or
tow vehicles, trailers or other things; c) in races, competitions, competitive tests, competitions on circuits, equipped facilities or routes open to the public; d)
under the influence of alcohol, drugs, hallucinogens, narcotics, barbiturates, intoxicants, or any other substance capable of impairing the state of consciousness and
vigilance, or the ability to react; e) in violation of customs, traffic or other laws; f) by a person other than the Lessee,
unless such person has been previously authorised in writing by Mondello Rent; g) for circulation in prohibited areas or in access or service areas to port and airport areas with limited traffic; h) by a person who has provided Mondello Rent with false data and/or information regarding
their age, name, date and place of birth, address of residence or tax code; i) for purposes contrary to the law. Furthermore, the Lessee assumes
the obligation to: a) personally drive the motorcycle and look after it, together with the accessories supplied, with the utmost diligence and in compliance
with all legal provisions; b) guarantee the operation and safety of the motorcycle during the rental period; c) indemnify Mondello Rent from
any claims made by third parties for damages suffered by the latter to the goods transported in the rented motorcycle or due to breakdowns or inconveniences to the
motorcycle d) reimburse Mondello Rent, upon presentation of an invoice, for any expense, including legal expenses, that the latter may incur to
obtain the fulfillment of the pecuniary obligations due for any reason and/or title, expressly including those for unpaid motorway tolls,
in addition to administrative expenses; e) use all anti-theft devices with which the motorcycle is equipped, such as steering lock and anti-theft chain, the latter attached to the rear wheel and possibly to a pole whenever it is parked, even if in closed places and guarded areas. Mondello Rent reserves the right to terminate the contract and to repossess the vehicle at any time in the event of violation of the agreed conditions of use, without anything being due to the Lessee by way of compensation for damages, or for any other reason and/or title. In any case, the Lessee undertakes to return the motorcycle as soon as Mondello Rent requests it, even verbally.
4) – RULES OF THE CURRENT ITALIAN HIGHWAY CODE – The Renter declares to be aware of the rules of the current Highway Code. In any case, ad abundantiam, Mondello Rent has informed the Renter of the main rules, with particular reference to the legislative discipline on the obligation to use a helmet, on speed limits and on the consequences arising from their non-observance. The Renter is therefore required to
comply with the rules of the Highway Code. Mondello Rent declines all liability in the event of improper use of the vehicle and/or failure to comply
with the Highway Code.
5) – INSURANCE COVERAGE – The rented motorcycle is covered by civil liability insurance (RC) which covers damage caused to
third parties. The motorcycle is not covered by theft or fire insurance. In the case of subscription to the Kasco insurance extension, at a cost of
€ 10 per day, the penalty foreseen in the event of theft/fire will be equal to € 350. It is considered appropriate to highlight that the Kasco extension does not
cover damage to the vehicle.
6) – DAMAGE AND THEFT – Any damage and breakdown suffered by the motorcycle due to negligence, fraud and carelessness (falls, accidents, dents, theft and/or breakage of
accessory parts) will be considered to be the responsibility of the Lessee, and will be charged to the Lessee according to the damage list available at the Modello
Rent headquarters.
In the event of theft or fire of the rented motorcycle, the Lessee is obliged to pay a penalty equal to the eurotax value of the model,
make and year corresponding to the rented motorcycle.
In the event of partial or total theft or fire, the Lessee undertakes to immediately report the event to the competent Authority and to deliver the original of the report to
Mondello Rent within and no later than 24 hours of the event. In the event of any accident, the Lessee is obliged to immediately
communicate it to Mondello Rent by telephone. The Lessee must request the intervention of the competent Authority and, when necessary, must
file a complaint with the competent Authority. The Lessee must ensure that he obtains the data relating to the witnesses and other vehicles involved or, in any case,
obtains all the information necessary to determine the responsibilities for the accident that occurred. Furthermore, the Renter undertakes to send
Mondello Rent, within and no later than the following 24 hours from the accident, a complete detailed report on the form “accident report (CID)”, enclosed
with the motorcycle documents. Finally, the Renter undertakes to cooperate with Mondello Rent, its Insurance, its Lawyer in any investigation or
out-of-court and judicial procedure.
7) – LIMITATION OF LIABILITY OF MONDELLO RENT – Within the limits provided by law, Mondello Rent cannot be held
responsible, and the Lessee waives for himself and his heirs or assigns to advance any and all claims against Mondello Rent
for any damage suffered by him or by third parties as a result of the use of the rented vehicle or for loss or damage to things owned by the
Lessee or third parties left in the vehicle, or for damage or inconvenience resulting from delay in delivery, breakdowns or any other cause outside the
direct and exclusive control of Mondello Rent.
8) – CHARGES – In the event of a seizure or administrative detention of the rented vehicle, for reasons attributable to the Lessee, the
daily rate of the vehicle will be charged until the release or termination of the administrative detention plus any expenses (including legal)
consequent. The Lessee undertakes to inform Mondello Rent within 24 hours if he has incurred any sanctions and/or fines notified to him by the Public Authority. In the event of failure to promptly notify, the Lessee will be liable for any consequent disbursement and/or damage
suffered by Mondello Rent directly or indirectly.
9) – CHARGES AFTER THE CLOSING OF THE CONTRACT: The Lessee and/or the holder of the Credit Card given as a guarantee of this
contract, authorize Mondello Rent to charge the aforementioned Credit Card for all expenses (fuel, insurance deductibles,
unpaid bills, penalties, administrative costs, fines or damages) detected or found after the delivery of the rented motorcycle. In the event of violations of the
Highway Code, the Lessee is solely responsible for the payment of fines and legal procedures attributed to them. The administrative
cost for managing fines and administrative procedures will be €25.00 for each fine, payment notice and/or
administrative seizure notice sent by the competent bodies, which will be charged to the credit card issued as a guarantee upon signing this
10) – MOTORCYCLE BREAKDOWN – In the event of a technical failure of the rented motorcycle that is not attributable to the Lessee and which precludes the possibility of using
the vehicle, Mondello Rent will, if possible, replace the vehicle with a similar one. If this is not possible, it will reimburse the Lessee only for the
unused part of the rental period already paid, excluding further compensation. Mondello Rent will reimburse the Lessee for the sums incurred for
repairs due to motorcycle breakdowns, provided that they are shown on invoices duly addressed to the Lessee and have been previously
authorized by Mondello Rent. If the Lessee abandons the motorcycle without the authorization of Mondello Rent, he/she will have to reimburse all direct and indirect expenses necessary for the recovery of the motorcycle in addition to a penalty of € 250. Mondello Rent guarantees its roadside assistance exclusively within the urban boundaries of the Municipality of Palermo. Outside the boundaries of the Municipality of Palermo, roadside assistance for the motorcycle is the sole responsibility of the Lessee, even for technical failures or punctures of the motorcycle that are not attributable to the Lessee.